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Writer's pictureBev Jackson

Focus on Fall Tree Care

The growing season is definitely winding down, and it's time to take care of fall landscape chores. Hopefully you've already winterized your irrigation system or scheduled your sprinkler blowout. This week let's think about getting our trees ready for winter.

Prune shade trees so they will be better prepared to handle wind and snow. If there are dead or damaged branches from last year's storms that have not been pruned, they could become a hazard during early snows this season.

Broken branches fall randomly and without warning, threaten people and property, and should be addressed as a liability. Take care of them before a problem occurs. For the viability of your trees, structural pruning will help them stand up to winter storms with less damage.

Once your trees have gone dormant, it's a good time to prune suckers and water sprouts. For branches that you can't easily reach from the ground, consult a professional to have your tree pruned in a way that is safe for the person doing the work and for the health of the tree.

And remember to keep watering! If the temperatures are above freezing, you can - and should - safely water your trees and shrubs.


Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (2019, Oct. 11). Tip of the Week: Autumn tree care.

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